Sunday, January 17, 2010

Michael King Fan Club Lives here

Late Friday Night there are 17 of Spencer's friends in the basement who just "arrived spontaneously" after the Basketball game.
I am in my office when I hear this THUMP. Then I hear the multiple rapid footsteps up the stairs and girls saying "YOU HAVE TO SIT DOWN MICHEAL!!" I go to the kitchen just in time to see Michael King bending his head down as he tries to sit in the chair, with LOTS of blood and a nasty gash on his head...really nasty. I did the typical great mom Natalie thing and had to put my head down in between my legs.
Michael had come late to the "party" and was going to make an entrance by jumping from the top of our stairs--planning to land at the bottom in the middle of everyone...I get his thinking. I can see WOULD have been pretty impressive...except. Except he forgot to negotiate the header at the bottom of the landing. I tried to take a picture of his DENT but this was the best I could get. I am thinking about getting a sharpie marker and having him sign it..."Michael loved here":) The boys took him to the ER and they put in 3 staples. As soon as I get a picture I'll post it for you. We love Spencer's friends. But we ESPECIALLY LOVE MIKE KING! Even and especially BEFORE the whole whap your head open event.

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