Saturday, September 18, 2010

Josh.....18 Sept 2010

Hey Family!!!

This week was good. It was pretty busy with trying to get everybody in to Nairobi for the leadership training meeting and then back out again.and then we also had a missionary go home early for school yesterday and we had to send some people to Tanzania because their visa's for Kenya were expired and the renewals were denied. Which reminds me, when you get your visa's for coming here you will need a multiple entry visa for Kenya since we will leave to Tanzania and then come back. but for Tanzania a single entry visa should be fine. The Leadership Training Meeting went good though. President Broadbent did mot of the training, which was very nice both because we didn't have to prepare as much or worry about doing a lot of it when we already had to make all of the other arrangements, and because every time he gives a training the room fills with love and understanding.
We focused on three of the eight areas that were given to us in this meeting and will do the rest at others, but this time we focused on receiving revelation through the Book of Mormon, receiving revelation through the spirit, and the gospel of Jesus Christ. The gospel of Jesus Christ was probably my favorite one because it really focuses on helping people to understand the love that God the Father and His son Jesus Christ have for them. But not just to understand that He does love them, but helping them to feel it constantly. and we do that by following the example that Jesus Christ gave to us and by doing the things he told us to do. The focus is to "Follow Him" in all things and at all times. With receiving revelation through the book of Mormon the focus was to just people to actually read it. If somebody will just read it, and pray about it, then they will come to know that it is true. That is a promise. From me, from Joseph Smith, from Moroni, and from God himself. Then with receiving revelation through the spirit we focused on qualifying for the spirit to be with us, by doing what is taught in the doctrine of Jesus Christ and following Him. It took two days for the meeting so this is super condensed, but it was a good meeting and i think we all came away with a greater sense of direction of how to help people to come unto Christ and to follow Him in our everyday lives.
The rest of the week was crazy with everything i mentioned at the top. and because of all of that stuff we have had between 6-8 missionaries staying at our flat with us since Tuesday and the last ones left this morning. Our flat is a mess and we are completely out of food and i am super sleep deprived, but all of that can be fixed. And will be within the next few days (maybe longer for the cleaning part, I am not feeling like cleaning much right now because in a week we will have just as many people with us again for transfers).
Anyways, i love you guys! i hope you have a wonderful week and that all goes well.
Elder Harris

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