Tuesday, November 23, 2010


While I was in Africa, some CREEP took $1400 out of my personal account using my Debit card...still a mystery how they got my number. But I LOVE YOU UCCU for taking care of me and helping me to get it back into my account...I hope it comes SOON! Not so crazy about my Debit card anymore though.....
Spent all yesterday in Logan with Don and Josh getting Josh his apartment, his scholarship instated, and all set up for Winter semester. He is SO HAPPY to be rooming with Greg. I can't help but wish he had stayed closer to home. But men need to be men. And I need to adjust better.
It was SO GOOD to be with Preston and Jeremy and their families. I LOVE that they belong to me, and that I belong to THEM!!!
We had white outs in Sardine Canyon on the way there, and you know me...I don't want to leave the house EVER in snow....so so so so glad to be home in my safe and warm office :)

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