Sunday, June 29, 2014

A BREAK.....yep, its a PUN :)

I am choosing to Laugh as I sit here attempting to type to you with one hand. OF COURSE I have LOADS of thoughts to share today....we shall see how I endure :)

I am typing with one hand because I broke my arm last Monday morning. It was DAY 1 of my 3 month GET FIT commitment with Do Terra and a specific group of 4 others. My over zealous self had checked off  as many things on the GET FIT list as I could and found I had about 2 hours before anything was scheduled. I decided to MAGNIFY my efforts and throw in a bike ride while I made my morning calls.

 I rode to the mouth of Provo canyon and was on my way back when an unleashed dog started following me. For about a mile he was running ahead and running back to me. I was nervous. I was also impressed with the shear joy his running brought and felt pricked about my foot...noting that I too would again exude THAT kind of Joy when I get to return to running :)  Visually I couldn't tag who his owner might be. I was annoyed. I LOVED that I was aware that I was annoyed. I wanted to CHOOSE different than annoyed. The second I had that thought  it came to me how many times random unleashed dogs had joined me on my runs and I had KNOWN they had come as a protector, to bring me peace, to raise my HAPPY. I had no more sorted the bits of these thoughts when out of no where, he runs in front of me. I had 2 cyclists coming towards me and a jogger to my left. It was so fast. I hit him and went over the handle bars. Immediate nausea. I open my eyes to see him squiggling out from under my bike...awed that he didn't even yelp. The 2 cyclists and joggers saw the whole thing. They unzipped my phone from the back case and called Dad...helped me get up off the ground while exclaiming "that arm does NOT look right, you've got to go straight to the hospital"...shared their water after I vomited....tried to call the number on the dogs tags...walked my bike to 2000 N...gave me their names twice. ANGELS...and I can't remember their names.

WHILE they are doing all their tending...I am calling on all Gods, angels, guardians and guides...begging for immediate healing. I DID NOT WANT TO BREAK my arm. This was suppose to be DAY 1 of reclaiming FIT Natalie! The only humor I could find was in my efforts to imagine my arm HEALED and perfect like the Christian Scientists do...while dealing with the ridiculous PAIN. Dad whisked me to American Fork ER and they were angels. As they gave me the morphine in my IV I quickly swore of any thoughts of exploring Christian Science any further. Only NOW to feel extremely compelled to research exactly their beliefs and HOW they would be instructed to handle it.  I did however start choosing dates by which I would be healed and projecting myself to that time. Then Eckhart came whizzing into my mind. There is only NOW. That kind of ticked me off. I didn't appreciate NOW at that moment. Then I started giggling, laughing...I couldn't stop. I couldn't understand WHY I couldn't stop... when really I was ticked at the situation AND at not obviously understanding teachings I am trying to embrace. Definitely a drug experience.  : ) Let me take this moment to be clear of  my DEEP APPRECIATION for pain relieving DRUGS. And my testimony that the GODS GAVE THEM TO US!!!!  I kept holding my right hand over my left owies and blessing them healed. I SOOO did not want to have surgery...or to have it be announced out loud  that it was broken.

It was broke. But I'm not. The Universe is brilliant. I trust that I will listen more quickly when I am prompted to slow down next time. I needed a BREAK...pun intended...stealing pun from a love note to me from Katrina on facebook. I can be really lousy at stopping. I know what I want and HOW to get there and I just want to GET there. I miss GOOD STUFF by not stopping to enjoy the journey. I ENJOY my journey...but there are just those things I MISS cuz I go at break arm speed.  The things I am just now fully embracing about my mode of life operation are gifts to me. Learn from me chickadees. Watch and learn. Each of us are gifts to ourselves as we unwrap the truths of our BEING.  I am a gift to YOU as well. Save yourself the personal experiences, embrace mine.

After I spent day one sleeping non stop to Percocet, I felt this thrilling ZING that I would have a few days of BED REST. Quickly to be thwarted with pain and the realization of how many things I love to do in bed typically take 2 arms.  2 ARMS. Books are heavy..and page turning a task. Computer anything with one hand is time consuming. I found that I was literally assessing EVERYTHING by the energy and TIME it would take for me to do it...was it worth it???? Awesome cross over lesson to the other areas of my life. I don't usually assess my time and energies so much.

Take some time for yourself. LOVE YOURSELF. Write down what your heart wants. At the same time I hope you are BOLD. I hope you unleash your adventurous side and slurp up LOTS of the exciting, messy, happy parts of what is here for us. Take risks and be daring. Michael bo Bichael....YOU GET AN A+++++++ in this area!!!! Actually, now that I think about it, you ALL DO. But I do so love how Michael LEAPS forward taking risks and daring and ALWAYS comes to the happiest of endings!!!

The Grandma Wanna Be in me is sending SOULMATE energy out to you :) Can't help it. Well, I can, choosing NOT to impede tsunami vibes :)

Even as I write that, WITH EVERYTHING I trust that there is no need to hurry or force things. I trust that everything occurs in perfect timing. I am sounding like one of my new age books. Yep. I'm  a BELIEVER.
I have been rereading Doreen Virtues THE LIGHTWORKERS WAY...yesterday I came across this blip and thought of each of I wish I could GIVE YOU my trust. As back ground, Dorene, the author,  just wasn't sure WHAT to DO with her life...she met this renowned philosophical  Dr (Schuller) on a plane who told her this: "A new door will soon open for you. Meanwhile, DON'T WORRY that you don't know what is NEXT for yourself. When the door opens you will KNOW it is the RIGHT one for you". So she decided to stop setting goals and see what life would bring her. Much to ponder for this mom. I pass it on to you to chew on with me. I BELIEVE. How comforting to have each other as we continue on on this BIG LEARN AND LOVE!!!!

Wearing  helmets  made me think about the time I spend preparing and then playing it SAFE. I've been all over the place with my thoughts on this. But this mornings conclusion: Don't worry about playing it safe. Just follow your hearts true desire. I believe whole heartedly that our longings and desires guide us to RIGHT where is PERFECT for us. Success only comes from fully committing ourselves to our dreams.  So that GET FIT Natalie that broke her arm on Monday?  Nothing about breaking an arm changes the longing. .OR THE COMMITMENT. Of Course AFTER a few days of food comforting. Now I get to be creative and bold and step into new ways of getting there.

 IF you are still reading...I am not going to keep going on about the list of lessons I am SEEING.

DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU????????   How HEALING it is to KNOW that our love is ETERNAL no matter the situations we are in? How no matter the choices we make about WHERE we live and WHO we live with...we always belong to each other...always.  I wonder how many times we've come to learn lives together? I know I've been w you at LEAST once before...All I know is WHATEVER and HOWEVER I CHOOSE in the eternities...I CHOOSE each of you again and again and again xxooxxooxx.

Sparkle and SHINE!
PS A big THANK YOU to Dad, Megs and Spencer for all they have been doing to assist me. To Sarah for blowing my hair dry and then coming the second time to put in curlers. For all the love notes and treats. So much LOVE FOR ME!!!! Grateful grateful grateful.

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