Obviously I am posting these pics AFTER I wrote you!

Hey Love Bug!
I was so THANKFUL that the Mission President's wife moved you inland for the duration of Irene. Please let me know how that affected you and if you are back in Charleston.
Terrence AND Josh Torgersen had their farewell's today. Because I was speaking in our Sacrament Meeting on GRACE, I had to hurry away from Terrence's and didn't get any pics...but they are all suppose to be coming over tonight...I have a HUGE peach cobbler in the oven (in one of my turkey roaster pans!). Terrence will be heading your way soon! I saw Este and he said he loved your letter and has one on its way to you. He looked great and happy! He came in with Whitely. I only saw Mike and Suzie for a second but they were gleaming happiness. Zach and McKenzie look love struck too.
It was so much better for me taking Josh to school this time. It just FELT so right. The room mates we met were super sharp, I liked his apartment so much better, and he just seemed so HAPPY to be there. I love how he loves school like I did. So much to know so many great classes and teachers and people. I 'm actually excited for all that is ahead of him. I also love that he is so close to the brothers and their families.
Michael starts school Tuesday. He and Andy will be a pair of hotties that will no doubt attract their fair share of sweet youmg things to their "dwelling". But alas, NOW is the time for that.
Megs is so happy teaching school, and so sad they didn't give her a contract with benefits. So, she is looking for something with benefits and helping me with real estate on the side as well as doing flowers for people. Mr. Ryan Innes has been around a fair share lately??? How could they ALL not be in love with her...I mean, its MEGAN!!!
Sam is excited for his breakfast in bed Mannerville and Daylight Donuts tomorrow morning. You know how he always wants a BIG surprise? Well...he still does!!! But I promise...it is NOT going to be a death invoking SCOOTER! Weird to think that 17 years ago tomorrow I was as BIG as I have ever been and I had my LAST baby :(. He golfed a 78 at Sleepy this last week and fell to second overall by one stroke. This Wednesday is Cascade...so we are all smiling....I just keep telling him how AWESOME it is that now when he has a rotten day he is STILL in the 70'S!!!!! Sometimes he forgets how far he's come. Me, I'm still just LOVING being in the cart and bringing all those fine boys treats and drinks. The weather has been so perfect and dreamy. I wonder MANY a tournament how I am so fortunate that this is MY Life and I get to spend a whole day in such peace and fun!!!! So far I am able to attend all of his tournaments except for Gladstan when I will be in Canada with Olive for her birthday. I love the Gladstan course...so maybe I can go be with him on a practice round?
Pool days are going to be gone before long and I can hardly stand the thought of it. I am still not recovered from how stinkin' long last winter was....arghhhhh! I get in whenever I can. The kittens are nuts...they climb up on the hot tub and meow at me during my meditations---slightly distracting.
You know I love you...getting those P90X Cd's on their way and working on a Costco Card.
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