I know people are overwhelmed when they come to Utah and there is a Mormon Church every block. It was so sweet to remember HOW MANY churches there are in the SOUTH!!!! They have Utah matched and maybe then some! So many Baptist Churches I lost count! But the Korean Baptist Church stayed in my mind...and so many little independents like this one...my heart just soared. I smiled the whole trip...I hadn't realized how much I DON'T smile...my cheeks would actually ache at the end of the day as I layed in bed processing everything. I like it so much when I see that people BELIEVE...because even though I may not agree with their doctrine or rules, I like the comfort of the bottom line being LOVE. And this name...JESUS PEOPLE--LIFE CHANGING CHURCH-A church for all people. It just felt GOOD. Smiling hard now.

This is the Christianson's home ---they are the family that converted my family to Mormonism. Their father died and their mother lives here in Utah as well as most of the kids. This is the home where I had my first yeast roll...Helen would make them and let them raise on the counter...and in Florida with the heat and humidity they would get HUGE...and she was ALWAYS so generous to pull out the butter and let me have several. I'll never forget the birthday she gave me a whole basket full. And today, I say with pride, I can make a MEAN yeast roll, and they are STILL one of my favorite things to put in my mouth.

This is the first house I remember living in. I learned to ride my bike out front. I use to put the hose down the toad holes and flush them out from under the driveway cement. I use to keep a turtle in the back yard until it ran away???? Now really, how does a turtle run away? My Dad built a sand box in the back yard and I spent many an hour in that sand. It took me a second try of driving around to find this house...but the second I got on the right main road, I knew where I was and came right to it. This is where the Ice Cream man left before I had time to get my money and I ran crying down the street behind him and he never saw me and did not stop. My 3 or 4 year old heart never forgave him. I can see his face now. Sorry Ice Cream Guy...I didn't know better.
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