Flowers from the yard....

Friday the 27th we had dinner with Preston, Jeremy and the kids when we took Josh up to Logan. Laiky and Drew were the ball girls for the High School soccer game so we had ice cream with them at Charlie's later that night.

Graham is talking up a storm. The girls had been tramatized by Chloe their cat bringing in a half dead, half alive BAT (through the cat door) at 6:30 am and putting it on Haven's chest...she woke up to sleeping kitty and struggling bat!!! Kori texted Jeremy to hurry over and help get it OUT. Thinking that cat door might need to be covered at night!

This is Jeremy's new place...it is only a block away and RIGHT across the river from Kori. The girls can get their easily by themselves.

Here be the brother getting settled in....GO AGGIES!!!!!

He is taking back all claims on the Brown comforter... and with a smile I might add :) See how his bedroom door has access to the immediate outside? I liked that about his apartment. He doesn't have air conditioning, Africa prepared him well for that. We got him a fan anyway because it will still be weeks before its cool enough to sleep well. Do YOU have air conditioning Spencer?

Already a pretty girl in the kitchen...this is Scott HARRIS, Josh's roommate and his sister, a freshman. They are from Pleasant View Utah.

Josh's living room. You can't see the TV...but it is there, and so is the WII!

Josh's killer $3 buck purchase! A George Foreman grill! Uncle Jeremy gave us the idea because he just set up a whole new kitchen for less than $25 bucks with all the appliances at $3 bucks each!

The Brotherhood missing YOU and Josh!!! Michael moved in with Andy yesterday. Their apartment is over by UVU...they have 2 other roommates. SO WEIRD to think that this time next year...NO CHILDREN WILL BE HOME with me ....ARGHHHHH! Maybe someone will get married and live in the basement?????? Please????
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