Sunday, December 14, 2008

Letter TO Josh

Lovey Lovey LOVEY....
Really, THANK YOU for the picture last Monday!!! Megan came home at lunch on Monday with a copy of it already---she had sent it over to Walmart to the one hour photo and then brought it home to me--maybe, probably, my favorite Christmas present all year. I blew it up on the computer so I could REALLY check you out. I was SO PLEASED that you weren't COVERED in mosquito bites. I swear you look like you've grown. We are anxious to see your companion.

My heart is BROKE that you won't get your package on or before Christmas. We sent it through the Post Office....they said it would be there in 10 days and should have been there by NOW. But if the Elders are RIGHT and it really takes 40...UGH. Part of me wants to say...have NO FEAR, your PRAYIN' Momma is here! I prayed you a kind and loving companion and no extra charge on the luggage...I'm now praying for a miracle that that package will get there BEFORE Christmas!!! We were going to send you another until we found out that it would be $130 to get it to you before Christmas through FED EX. We had the bright idea that we should just put that much into your acount and then let you get what you want...until I woke up in the middle of the night on Tuesday realizing that if you don't have any restaurants, then you probably don't have access to an ATM. DO YOU HAVE ACCESS? I am so anxious to get the information about how and when we can call you.

Greg sent us a hysterical Christmas Card---and one to you as well that we just put in another envelope and sent on to you. Are you getting his e-mails that I am forwarding? And Mike's? Jake has a long wait until March. I am selfish because I LOVE IT that he still just drops in and hangs out---so does Dave.

I was asked to speak at the Stake Youth Fireside on the 25th of January to kick off the theme for the year. Now I have a whole month to squirm about it. You could throw some ideas my way if you'd like, and maybe a prayer for inspiration...or humor. I wish I'd been born with a funny wit. I'm gonna get me some of that the next go round:) I always like the way comedians can find the laughter in the hard stuff here. Anyway.

It's been a LONG 6 weeks for me. I decided to give my wallowing self a private party and EAT whatever I wanted WHEN I wanted this week. It ends tonight at bedtime. I haven't stepped on the scale. That's part of my party rules...not till next Sunday. I must admit. Certain foods bring me joy. Yep...went to Apollo Burger, ...I won't go on since you are eating rice and beans...but just WILL be made up to you when you get home. Although Mr. Halloween candy hoarder...I also know that food doesn't do it for you like it does for me.

Karma Joiner in our ward died this week--I am so happy for her to be relieved of that cancer ridden body. Kimber Shoell Gray has the cutest tiniest bumb finally showing and they found out already that it's a girl. McKay Sanders has lost his second tooth and I wish to heck you could have seen him report on JUST how he pulled it out with a napkin in Primary today. The ward Christmas Party is Friday, but Dad and I will be in Boise for his family party and Uncle Kelly will be flying in. Braiden is still hanging out with Megan---they watched a movie in his hot tub last night and We were all jealous. Michael set up the new TV in the family room until he goes and it is love for all of us. Spencer is tortured with the golf course covered in snow (finally got some this weekend) Sam is so thrilled with his NEW weekend life hanging out with friends all over the city. He went snowboarding on Saturday and was disappointed...thought that might make you feel better. GrandDad came in to me today and said "9 days till Christmas...I'm never going to make it. I've GOT to DO something." I suggested ALOT of things---all of which he vehemently said OH NO! I'm stumped. We'll go to the Senior Citizen Center tomorrow. I think a woman would do the trick. He's still mad Olive wouldn't come, but SHE swears he never asked. I don't have clients again until Wednesday and that will be a blessing in helping him to find something interesting.

Paul Olsen is HOME and gave his Homecoming Talk today. He spoke on giving our will to God. He's so manly now. Still has that smile that could melt a glacier. We're having them for dinner soon and I'll get you some pictures. GrandDad Paul got remarried!!! They are living in her home. Dave is without work again and Kristine wishes they would just come back here and live in Salem. Me too.

Survivor Finale is tonight...I'll post on the blog later who won.
What will you do for Christmas? Are you still having weird dreams from the Malaria medicene? Chad's mom has not returned my calls for his address. I facebooked Rachel Bean to see if she has it. I'll get it to you as soon as I can. Do you have a blanket? Do you want one? Are there many dogs there? What was the wierdest thing you ate this week? Do you get to be with the children very often? How many are in your ward/branch? What do you want? What can I send you?

I love you Buddy. Less than 24 hours and I'll have a letter from you. You have been a GREAT writer...I am so grateful for all the detail you give. THank you. Again. I LOVE YOU XXXOOOXXXXOOOOXXXXXOOOOOXXXXXXOOOOOO

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