Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Spencer asked to Preference

I don't know HOW I could have not posted THE most significant event of all THanksgiving...HAVEN Lost her first tooth!!!!!
Spencer was asked to Preference last night--again...did I tell you about the "Just Asked" on the car ordeal? We have no idea if it is the same girl or not. We feel badly if it isn't. Anyway...we LOVE Steena...and these dang girls are so clever. He'll have to answer her today... we've all got our creative heads thinking HOW.
It is the 2nd of Dec. --Josh has been gone 4 weeks today...I wouldn't know who was counting. I am Josh. That's who. ME. And Dad too even though he might not admit it. And Sam fOR SURE....


Carol in Sweden said...

What momentous happenings!

**Natalie** I have a phone number to give you but not on this...my email address book is not working but if you email me then I can email back with the information. (I"m wishing I had a teenager at home that could help me with the darn computer. so frustrating!) You can trash this after you read it so it's not on your comment page!

Jamie and Julie said...

Congratulations to Spencer, I didn't think anyone would spend that much time and effort just to be teasing Spencer. That's kuhl that it's Steena.

What I always tell my children when they lose a tooth....You know what happens when a boy (or girl) kisses a girl (or boy if the person who lost the tooth was a girl) they lose a tooth.