Monday, June 2, 2008

GrandDad update

Here's the scoop family...GrandDad takes his Drivers Liscene Test next Tuesday on the 10th...he's really worked up about it. If he fails it, they take his liscene right then and there. Don and I will fly in this weekend and stay with him through Thursday. We'll see him through the test,whether he passes or fails, he will come back home with us on Thursday. If he passes, he'll stay here a week, go back until the second week of September and then come and spend the winter with us (at least until after his birthday March 15). If he fails he'll stay forever. If he fails, Don and I will do all we can on the Tuesday and Wednesday to get his few affairs settled--but we might have to make one more trip later. I think GrandDad will want to make a trip back when the farm sells. I have a buyer who is in no hurry,...he wants GrandDad's piece and the piece next to his. Although, Gdad may decide not to sell...which really wouldn't matter either, this buyer said he'd be interested in it 5-10 years from now if we'd be willing. Anyway...My heart doesn't even know what to pray I'm just praying for his SAFETY and his HAPPINESS. It would sure be easier on ME if he failed. But at 45 you already know that it's not about's about LOVE.


Jamie and Julie said...
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Jamie and Julie said...

Good luck and have a safe trip on your visit to the The Great White North.