Monday, June 30, 2008

A Funny thing happend while Spencer was away...

Spencer went to EFY (Especially for Youth)--a youth camp for a week in Nauvoo, Illinois this week. He was kind of ticked because after we paid and had the flights he found out the golf tournament he felt sure he could win was while he is there. On a whim....SAM decides to go ahead and golf in it(remember, Sam is NOT the golfer, he's the baseball player)...and WINS 3rd place out of over 50 boys...he golfed a 43...and he took FIRST Place in the Long Drive competition (up to 16 years old) with a 270 drive. Needless to say I was a bit nervous to tell Spencer...Sam texted him and Spencer's mother AWARD WINNING text back was "Tell him I love him and GOOD JOB!" I'm going to keep that text on my phone forever. I'm equally tickled with them BOTH. Sam can't quit smiling...he just walks around saying..."can you believe that...I mean REALLY...can you believe it?" Too bad Don is in Mexico City and missed all the hoop-la.


Jamie and Julie said...

Sweet for Sam! I'm happy for him, he's a great athlete.

Here's a quote from a famous baseball player about golf -

It took me seventeen years to get three thousand hits in baseball. I did it in one afternoon on the golf course." -Hank Aaron

Gene and Sheri Family said...

Awwww, thats AWESOME!!! Sounds like something that would have happened to Uncle Jeremy back in the day! lol! And I'm CRAZY impressed with big brother Spencer too...:)

Jamie and Julie said...

What Natalie didn't mention is that Sam did this against young men the same age as Spencer. These are young men who are 16 yrs. old.