Friday, June 13, 2008

Monday, June 9

Still no luggage. Looking pretty sweet by now. Don was an angel and took me to Kitchener on Sunday to buy running shoes and clothes. (Maybe he's not such an angel, I think it's common knowledge how much better it is to just let me run the uglies out before the day begins)
THE RUN...oh my heck...yep...BEAUTIFUL!!! There aren't words. If I could just share that ONE thing...miles of country road surrounded by new crops doing that new, mustering and growing thing the livestock dotting the hills and fence lines, cheering you on as you invade their space. The SMELL of all that work and growing and living. The clothes hung out to dry, each farm so neat and tidy. It's heaven for me.
Went to EXETOR to visit GrandDad's girlfriend OLIVE, whom we LOVE. She wanted to take us on a tour of her town so we went to her church, a little restaurant in town, and then to Great Bend to see Lake Huron. Incredible.
Don let his beard come in since he didn't have his razor..I LIKE it...manly, studly, rough, tickles:)

1 comment:

Jamie and Julie said...

I hadn't ever remembered Don, with scruffies. (unshaven face...)

It's nice to get out in the country and enjoy it.