Sunday, May 17, 2009

Catching Up....

Just a sweet week reliving younger days with someone who really loved me. Carol was great at loving others. Death has never affected me like this before...even when my Mom died...Mom WAS young... but she WANTED to go...wrapping my brain around Maya and Bo having her gone so quickly was the hard part. Right in the middle of an alone ANGER fit I had the SWEETEST experience where Carol let me know ALL IS WELL and as it should be....and took all the anger and filled me up with new and more love.
Can't stand to see another season end...I LOVE THIS GAME...and you got my heart and deserve every penny of the'll catch up when you get home.

Kim Peterson got this baby pig that has now doubled it's size...but he is SO ADORABLE...he just wiggles from head to tail when you take him his slop...had to take the girlies for a visit. Peterson's found a butcher who will pick it up, and then redeliver him in nice freezer packages...I still don't think I could eat him after all that.......but I'd love to feed such a happy cute piggy every morning right after the chickens!

Just allowed myself to work through the FUNK I felt from Carol's death by going for it on the's all in, all the bed's planted...only the hill left to weed...ready for summer livin' and lovin'......

After Sunday Dinner....LOOK at Graham!!! No oxygen, no special meds...just our healed baby....

You know how I love my swings...Dad got me a new one for Mother's Day...we just need 3 more so EVERYONE can have one for after Sunday Dinner :)

I got teenager chickens for the first time...I love my chickens...I'll name them this week...Haven and Elle will help me:) Still reading articles about WHY my last batch ate their own eggs...these girlies aren't gonna do that I'm sure....

I see ALOT of houses and so many LOVELY homes...but rarely do I covet when I leave...but this kitchen, even though it was small...I LOVED the cabinetry!!! I LOVED the combination of the green and rich browns..the way they wrapped it around the corner with the book shelf...just didn't want to forget incase I ever win the lottery...I'll build the pool first though:)

This is the quilt I'm working on's a kit...I love simple squares....somehow I felt not only justified, but like I NEEDED to...cause Carol would if she could...Ill be thinking of her every stitch.


The Patty Cake House said...

You are such a sweetheart!!! Just know that many prayers are coming your way in this difficult time with the loss of your dear friend. HUGS!!!!! - Emilie

Kath said...

Beautiful, Natalie. I wish I knew how to do this, or had the time.

Sorry for your loss, dear lady. Thinking of you!