Sunday, May 31, 2009


You can see the hollyhocks and blackeyed Susan's are going to be bursting forth... most of the COLOR in the yard will come in a few can see Spencer's golf green ain't so bad...he baby's that thing! I like it that he loves it! Its wierd..SOMETHING ate all of my baby corn JUST as it was barely blading through...NEVER had that happen before! Will replant tomorrow.

Four about 5 years I have been separating out my HENS and CHICKS and FINALLY i ALMOST have the whole rock wall filled.... I' ll never forget the first time I saw them...i was 14 at Aunt Pat's in Maryland and I loved them then and I love them still!

Remember when we moved in and there was NOTHING??? No grass no trees....just lots of rocks?I was looking at the trees yesterday and remembering how sad I was that we were planting these "sticks" and wanting to afford bigger TREE looking MATTERED to a Florida girl who NEEDED green...and 11 years later and goodness...we have TREES with SHADE and birdsnests!!!!! And look the Salvia is so tall you can barely even see OINK...if you didn't know he was there you might miss him! The Cecil Bruner roses are glorious now and soon the purple clematis will come....I hope it waits for Sheri!!!


Gene and Sheri Family said...

We all sat here and drooled over your beautiful "blooming" yard AND then the drooling really kicked in when we saw the hot tub!! :) If I were you I would spend the summer having a "stay-cation!" lo! :)

Amy said...

It is beautiful. TRULY beautiful. *sigh*