Sunday, May 31, 2009

Joshy Joshy Joshy Joshy...I LOVE YOU!!!

There are a few posts that are new on the OLDER Posts...I've been playing catch up today.
You've been on my mind like crazy this week and I am wondering what is going on??? I am still getting your stuff together for your package and plan to send it Tuesday. I will for sure get the markers and vision board stuff...

I have had Africa everywhere for me...the History Channel has a special on THE AFRICAN EXPEDITION, I did a bit of research on the INVISIBLE CHILDREN, I am reading LEFT TO TELL...and of Arusha there is this man/child that holds my heart.

I am so excited for Sheri to come I can hardly stand it. They called today and I got to talk to all of the kids...its crazy what they remember from other visits...Issac wants me to take him to the frozen yogart shop...Audry wants to go to the Dinosaur Museum and the Mall--I asked her WHY the Mall ( you know how I hate that!) and she says "Aunt Natalie the Mall has all these cool clothes and hair stuff" ...she must have gotten that from Gene's side cuz there is none of that on OUR side...but it made me smile... 10 days and they'll be here. I'm going to take the whole week off and just LOVE on em'...I'll miss you. WE will miss you.

Michael is still toughing it out i Florida. Megan has decided to live at home the rest of the summer. Spencer should probably put a cot at the golf course. He is doing P90X everyday now...I bought it for me but it looks SO HARD!!! Sam is thrilled to SLEEP in....just decided he is not "with" Brynn anymore. Dad is planning youth conference for the Stake. The cat is now catching birds in addition to mice. I am loving Primary and work is keeping me busy. Becky has gotten tri crazy and I am now running sometimes with this new gal Marcii and she is SO fun! She is alot younger than me so she'll outgrow me soon.

The boys are pestering me to take them to their friends so I have to quit now...I LOVE YOU ...can't wait for you to catch me up....

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