Monday, May 18, 2009

Letter from Josh 18 May 2009

Hey fam! This week was a bit hectic with two of the elders leaving and another two coming, but it was good. My new comps name is Elder Molotsi (Moo-loot-see). He is from South Africa, close to Jo-Burg. I like him a lot. The best part is that he is excited to work. this is the first time i can say honestly that about one of my companions. I felt bad for him on saturday because it was his first day and we just got bounced by everybody we had apointments with, and then when we went to go visit members to fill the time they werent home either. so the only people we were able to see on saturday only spoke swahili, which he doesnt know a word of yet. So the day was long and we walked super far and we were both completely exhausted by the time we got home. This week shoud be better though. We got some very good news from our investigatorrs Steve and Faiza this week. the only thing that has been stopping them from getting baptized is that they are not married. and this week their parents gave the ok to them to be married. now they are both around 30, so at home you wouldnt really need the parents permision, you would just tell your parents you are getting married, but here the customs are very different, and they have been waiting for their parents aproval for the past few years. Personally i think it was the fact that Faiza is pregnant with their second child that made the parents finally agree to it. But either way it is good news for them, and then even better news because they will be able to be baptized.I am excited for this next week. i am excited to actually do something in between apointments instead of just sitting at a restoraunt, i am excited to be work with all of my heart might mind and strength. I was also ecited to hear about how well the week is going for you all. Spencer, Kudos on that tournament, sounds like you kicked everybodys butt. Sam, have fun with the summer baseball thing, although i dont know that i will ever understand why you would want to spend so many hours doing so. Mom, sorry to hear that Carols body has kicked the bucket, Dad, glad to hear your trip went well, Meg, hope the ever elusive Mr. Right shows up for you soon. and mike, have fun in Florida and sell lots so that you can be rich and fund my life when i get home. I love you all sooooooooooooo much. have another great week! Your favorite person ever!Elder Harris

1 comment:

Kath said...

He not only said the words, but I could hear happy in his voice. I am glad that life is treating him better. There is always a good side to the bad times. Other wise we wouldn't know what good times were, right? Thanks for posting the letters, family! Have a great week! Much Love! Kath