Monday, May 5, 2008

Flowers for Michael

Okay...I LOVE planting flowers in Spring. And TODAY the LOVE FEST began...and the sweetest part of it was thinking how MICHAEL will be home to see these flowers!!!!! Tommorrow I will take pictures...OINK is back in the front...thanks to Spencer. I have planted Hot Pink zinnias all around him. The weather was WONDERFUL!!! It got into the low 70's today!!!! I just worked on my phone and felt this amazing gratitude for my job.
Don is in Ottawa until Wednesday negotiating important vital record contracts.
The boys and I did our FAVORITE thing for Family Night! We went to 2 movies right in a row...MADE OF HONOR (for me) and IRON MAN (for them). The buttered popcorn ruined my perfect eating day...ummmmmm.
I woke this morning to an e-mail from Kristen Muirhead (21 yrs--Barb's daughter and hers is the BLOG with the slurp me up writing) asking me to run the St. George marathon with her October 4th...Even though the St. George Marathon has been my most favorite I've ever run, I love Kristen even more...the ONLY reason i would break my pact to not run one this year. So, we're registered and should know by Friday if we made the lottery!
Tommorrow I go to get the chicks!! Think I'll have a few neighborhood girlies come with me! Think I'll get all Rhode Island Reds this time. We'll see.

1 comment:

Jamie and Julie said...

Hannah enjoyed the gift you brought by, thanks for coming by with the family. Hand in there...look forward to seeing your mosaic.