Sunday, May 4, 2008


Somtimes I just lose myself and am taken over by this frenzied EATER personality who has to have all the things she LOVES to eat in ONE day....because of COURSE, the next day she will be a perfect eater again and will feel for days on end that hungry, unsatisfied,knawing, left out, never get to eat good stuff again feeling. YES I KNOW that it's not could I EVER go very long without something lovely on my tongue and in my mouth? But I just KEEP doing it. Now that I have confessed, I will also confess to being on a 2 week binge...each day thinking I have to eat the world because IT WILL BE MY LAST DAY BINGING LIKE THAT. I MUST STOP. I am stopping that I have just eaten 4 rolls, roast, green bean casserole, rice with lots of butter and salt, and the last handful of SugarBabies.
Never ask me WHY I do it. Some psycho reason of extreme maladjustment and insecurity I am sure. If I could just break the cycle sooner without going for 2 freaking weeks!!!!

1 comment:

Gene and Sheri Family said...

Right there with ya sis....gained 8 pounds since you saw me last...tomorrow is the beginning of no more treats... I only have 3 weeks to FIT back into my swimsuit before the pool opens...thats enough motivation for me! :)