Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day

Jeremy came to fetch the girlies and I talked him into coming to the cemetery with us. It's so interesting how we kids don't find any comfort or have an affinity for visiting there. I go every few months to make sure that it is maintained, and on days like today I want OTHERS to know how much we love them so I take flowers, etc...but we KNOW that they aren't there...they are off busy on their next life adventure...and still tending to us. Anyway. It was good to be together (Megan had to work)and BOTH Grandma's would have enjoyed the lunch at Brick Oven with us:) The weather as you can see is PATHETIC. I don't remember having so much rain in Utah...and still SO CHILLY... we about blew away at the cemetery.

In remembrance...we are so grateful for these 2 woman who gave us life, taught us how to love and live and give and smile and enjoy. They are eternally bound to us and we them. Until we meet again, may we live our lives in a way they would be pleased.

Carolyn Steadwell Broadhurst
Lillian Simmons Steadwell


Gene and Sheri Family said...

Wish I could've been there...sniff, sniff... :)

susette said...

I love reading your blog. You don't even know me but somehow I have found you so randomly. My daughter Kali is friends with Kristen Muirhead and I found you through Kristen's blog and then I found you again in Michelle's blog. I knew Michelle when I was a young woman. I just thought that was so incredibly crazy to find you again on a blog not even connected to Kristen. Just thought I would share that with you and say hello and thanks for letting random people like me enjoy a happy person's blog. It's very sweet and refreshing.

Jamie and Julie said...

This is what I envision when you go through out your day.