Saturday, November 22, 2008

WHAT A wiERd DAY!!!!!

My run was great, but Linda Matheson joined us and that was weird but fun. I was half way into finishing piecing my quilt when I could NOT find the rest of the lattice material that IS weird. Spencer just raked the leaves WITHOUT complaining? WEIRD!!!!When I went to feed the chickens on THursday there were 10 instead of 9...that IS weird!!! WHen I went out to feed them scraps today, one of my Rhode Island Red's bum looked like it had fallen out with an egg trapped in it. She was egg bound. This picture is blurry on purpose. MEgan I think took actual video of my trying to help the poor girl. Sometimes it just sucks to be a girl. In all my years of chicken's I'd never seen anything like it. My neighbor had and told me how to help...I'll save you the details, but it didn't help and then she quick as whip said "there's only one thing to do" and then she did that thing that second and that was WEIRD. Last week Sam asked if he could have about 10 friends over for the BYU vs. UTAH football game, I said yes. Michael came home this morning and told Don he had about 10=15 friends coming and he called the basement with the big screen. Sam got overruled by Dad and Michael and still hates being the "baby"...and I agree with Sam on this's a bit WEIRD that he had it planned for a week and still got stiffed. He went to Brady's house instead and SPENCER had 10-15 friends over to match Michael's and Megan had 3. I made over 100 empanadas and various and assorted other treats and it was great except sad and WEIRD to lose to UTAH. WHile everyone was here, one of Michael's friends brought his laundry to do durning the game. Michael had to take the clothes out of the dryer and found that I had washed my "flashlite" from my run in my running pants and tried to turn it on....when he did he found out it was my MACE and immediately he and his friend were in coughing tizzies and then within 5 minutes our whole top floor of people were choking and eye least everyone was TRYING to laugh. But that was WIERD. Oh yeah....and mid day...GrandDad called and said he is going to actually LEAVE Minnie---his cat IN CANADA while he is here for the winter...after all the talks...That is wierd. Mom must be working her magic from the other side. THAT weird I like and am grateful for.


Jamie and Julie said...

The mace incident is more humorous reading about than I'm sure the actual event was. Michael will probably think twice next time he goes to check to see if a flashlight still works.

Anonymous said...

Go Utah! Only because we have no BYU people and Dan and Dad went to the U.