Sunday, September 28, 2008

Sitting Down

I had to put this on even though it's a goofy picture of Spencer. It's not often that I sit down...but if ever I do, immediately I have a son(s) next to me, taking off their shirt and just waiting for their back scratched. It will be an essential must for their future spouses to give back scratches.

It made me remember how when they were little if I ever crouched down to get a pan out of the cupboard or to pick something up, how they would jump on my back for a horse ride. Those days are gone. I really miss them. I'm gonna miss it when someone replaces me for the back scratches too. Wierd to think that their wives are alive on the planet right now busy becoming who they will be that will attract my sons to them. I'm praying for them. PLEASE be so kind and patient and understanding and GOOD women...and please want a dozen children each. And even though I'm not YOUR mom, please let me come for a week soon after the babies are born. Please.

1 comment:

Miss Megan said...

The Tenney's all got the back scratching genes too. My dad comes over to the house and inspects my nails to make sure they are long enough for him. Yeah, we're weird like that.

I sometimes sit and daydream that PK's little wife is sitting around in diapers too...watching Winnie the Pooh, eating food off her mommy's plate, and going down the slide at the playground. Whoever she is, I promise I am doing my best! :) I just love your thoughts and insight on life!