Wednesday, April 2, 2008


We rented this for Family Night on Monday and then life was real and crazy and we never go to it...and then last night my obsession with BIGGEST LOSER got in the way. when Spencer stayed home "sick" from school (sick of not being able to golf), we watched it together while I made 120 empandas for our Missionary Month Kick Off at Mutual tonight. I'd never seen a Christian film before other than LDS. I was so impressed. It really touched my heart in places that needed to be touched. I liked the different words they used in their Christian culture like "minister" and "turn your life over". Okay...don't get the wrong idea, even if you are NOT a believer, you will like the thoughts that this movie will bring to your head.

I LOVED the scene where the kid is doing the death crawl and the coach is coaching him beyond his percieved many people are that coach for me in my life. I KNOW God put them here for me...yea, alright, I KNOW it's NOT all about ME. I still believe that He did anyway.AND THank you for being that coach. ALone I am such a wuss.
I really liked the blindfold part and how true it is for us not to be able to see what is coming so that we can do better than we think. Geez... my mind is racing. Go rent it, then call me and we'll talk. My only criticism is that in my life, just because I love God, everything doesn't work out how I'd like it. They kind of try to make that point, but it gets diluted with the ending. But hey...I LOVE HAPPY ENDINGS!

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