Sunday, April 20, 2008


I'm afraid that this will be like those horrible HOME MOVIES for you...this is mostly for if you want to click out here you might save yourself....
I LOVE SEA WORLD!!!! EVERYTHING was so interesting and FUN! The dolphin and Shamu shows were my favorite...but feeding the seals was right up there! A bird came and took a fish I had bought to feed the seals right out of my hand!!! But my most favorite part was just being with MY INTERESTING FAMILY!!! The boys and Megan had us laughing the whole trip.


NoJo said...

Sea world is great fun!!

I'm new. I found your blog while looking for good blogs to read. hopefully you can stop by mine sometime. it's not nearly as pretty as yours, though.

Kath said...

I love the pictures, and was not bord at all! Probably because I Love all you guys and can relate as well as know your feelings about family. At Jeannette's 50th birthday party, all my girls as well as my granddaughter and new grandson was there with me to enjoy the festivities.

I agree with nojo, a very beautiful blog with so much of your personality. Keep it up. Love ya!