Sunday, July 13, 2008

Graham is doing better and better

Preston and Girlies left this morning for home, after church we took Haven and Elle to visit mom and dad who are still camped out in the waiting room...with GrandDad Broadhurst and GrandMom and Dad Litchfield. A DIFFERENT day...lots more smiles and squeals. Graham is still serious, they have double the tubes coming out, but they say his progress is so HOPEFUL and PROGRESS...we need to keep praying for his lungs now.

We brought the girlies back for another sleepover and to a BBQ Megan is having here with all her High School friends...SO GOOD to have them around again...all are married and several with babies...Meg...your knight in shinning armor IS out there...(I expect him to ride up any minute:)


Mullins said...

Wow. That is unusual to have that many kids age 23 married and some even with kids! Here most people these days wait until at least after the age of 25 to consider getting married.

vie said...

I'm so glad to hear that he is doing better! I miss seeing you and Megan. We need to play sometime again soon.

Michele said...

I am so glad to hear that I called this morning and spoke to Sam. The boys play 2 games tomorrow, I will give you a call when I get home and give you the schedule. We will keep on praying for Graham.