Friday, July 11, 2008

Just thought you might want to see the wall paper... the mirrors come next week. You don't realize how much you use a mirror in your bathroom until there isn't one.
Oh yeah...I about burst my buttons yesterday...Spencer was "hanging out" with this gorgeous, nice, kind, sweet, adorable girl and they were on their way to a movie...all of OUR cars were busy so she drove...I was in the front yard when they left and HE OPENED the DOOR for her even when SHE was driving. I've had the DO's and DON'ts talk with the other boys, but not with Spencer...I was so pleased. Thanks for the GREAT example big bro's!!! What a GOOD boy Spencer...I'd drive him to the movies and "hang out" with him too!

1 comment:

Gene and Sheri Family said...

REALLY like that wall paper! And the mysterious "boarders" on your trampoline is too funny!!