Monday, April 14, 2008


Saturday was GLORIOUS!!!! Becky and I ran 15, then I came home and worked in the yard non-stop until 9...wish I could have done it again yesterday!Don was great and bought Wendy's for dinner and did all the driving so I could just keep at it. It just feeds my soul to work in the dirt and with living things. I was transplanting perennials all over the place. I AM SO HAPPY FOR THE SUNSHINE!!!
Sad news is that OINK in no longer at the front of the house. He's in the back by the chicken pen. Anna (10) and Lauren (8) from next door spent most of the day with me "visiting" while I worked. I love those girlies. We found a big blow snake and they had thier dad come get it and take it away because they were afraid it was going to go into THIER yard:)
We're heading out for California today...I am READY for a break. i'm thrilled for the time we will be JUST US together without the rest of the world dropping in or needing things. I'll update you as I can.


Miss Megan said...

I completely agree! Nothing like rolling up your sleeves and digging in the dirt. I have been working here and there in my yard when I get the chance. It's kind of hard to do when I'm chasing after a toddler the entire time. Usually I have to wait until Mike gets home from work. There is something therapeutic and relaxing and satisfying about watching something grow. It makes you feel closer to the divine. :) Thanks for sharing! P.S. Love the Shirley Temple pic.

Unknown said...

I am sad that oink is in the back yard. Tell my brother to put it back!