Thursday, May 15, 2008

They're here!!!

I was in the Toyota dealership yesterday when Shayne Clarke came in...he asked me about my chickens and I asked him about his pigeons and falcons. When I told him what a hard time I was having getting chicks with the wierd hatches this year he took note...about a half hour later he was at the IFA and they had just gotten a delievery of HATCHERY SPECIAL...which means they don't tell you what kind they are. I ran right over and got 7 Rhode Island Reds and 3 Araconnas (SP?)...or at least I'm pretty sure...they sure look like it. I LOVE it when things you want COME to you!
They are adorable!!! Fresh eggs in November!!!

Took Kristen up the canyon for a run Megan went with was INCREDIBLE what we saw...kind of reminded me that Dr. Suess book WhAT I SAW ON MULBERRY STREET...because everyone will think we are exaggerating. ANYWAY...just to name them: 2 BEAVER-yes BEAVER playing with each other and scampering up the mountainside next to the river, 2 HUGE snakes and one baby snake (thank you Megan for helping them to MOVE),huge hawks,rock climbers, a boy scout group, one of the largest waterfalls I've ever seen caused by the release of the winter snow pack, just breath taking the amount of water cascading down, and then someone had just painted in red on the path "will you marry me". OK, I've been running this trail for years and never had that kind of activity. It's a sign Kristen and Megan...we're on the RIGHT path:)


Michele said...

They are so cute....I just love baby anything. Thats why the Lord made babies, he knows that once we fall in love with the babies we will still love them when they are teenagers!

Jamie and Julie said...

Congratulations on getting into the St. George marathon. Cassie wants me to get some more chicks, I offered to get pullets but she said she wants the chicks. One of the things I love about Sam is that you don't have to guess what he's thinking.

kristen said...

I'd say 3 snakes is a sign your on the wrong path...but that's just me. just kidding. and don't forget the kayakers!

KellyandJax said...

Jax wants to come over and play with the babies. He is so excited! He is begging me to go buy some. They are so sweet. Are these the hairy legged chickens? Those are my favorite. i can't remember what they are called.