Thursday, December 11, 2008

LOVE at Home

I am in my office working and I hear this gut laughter and it just doesn't stop so I head out to the family room and Michael and Spencer have squashed Megan. Josh, I laughed when the boys came in with the JUICE brigade...made me think of you. Wish I could teleport it to you. GrandDad made it. He wouldn't get in the wheelchair with the girl helper at Detroit because she was black (it is hard to imagine that this is MY Grandfather) so he got LOST (karma?) and finally a worker made him wait while he called for another helper who he got into the wheelchair for and took him to his terminal. He looks good. He's happy. I forgot how long it takes him to eat. I need to figure out how to carry on a lone converstaion until he is done eating. If there is any gap he start talking then it's about a bit per 3 to 4 minutes. What's wierd? That I LOVE that he LOVES to tell me everything. I know I'll be tired of it soon. But I love that he loves us. Don is the clever fellow who put the Canadian Flag in his room.

1 comment:

Gene and Sheri Family said...

Grandad looks good....MANY THANKS! Wish I could beam over to visit him... Fill us in on the "juice" brigade??!! :)