Thursday, March 26, 2009

GrandDad HOME...maybe

Just talked to GrandDad...he did not say he was sorry, but he started crying when he got on the phone and then of course I did too and he said he just wanted us both to forget everything that happend when he left and that he loved me. I said I wish I could, but that the issue that brought us to that disagreement is still alive even as we speak since the only reason the hospital released him was because Olive said she would tend to him...and Olive is not willing to MOVE IN with him. He got a little agitated and said the Dr's don't know what the ---- they are talking about and he will be fine. I told him I loved him and would do it his way, but that it was super hard on me to have him so far needing help and not able to give it. His nose started bleeding again while on the phone with me, so now they are proabaly heading BACK to the hospital because they couldn't get it to stop while I waited over 5 minutes on the phone.

Olive got on and said the Vet's? office came to the hospital and finally followed through on my call from January and that they are going to get some Home Health Care into him on a regular basis now ...I asked her if it was like hospice and she said the Dr's were not allowed to tell her a diagnosis. But that there was SOME issue or the Vet's would not be offering the Home HEalth Care.
SOOoo...when I get home in a bit I will call Dr. Donald and see what he can tell me. Keep praying.


Gene and Sheri Family said...

Yep...still praying!! Let me know if I can do anything!

Jeremi said...

Ah man praying here glad he talked to you and wants to forget the past, I knew he'd come around! :)