Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day

My computer decided to go on strike and all my pics for the week are on there....but don't worry aren't missing much...they were mostly of Kim P. and I at the quilt show--I took a ton of pictures to send to Carol and pretended like she was there with me...she is having a rough week so we need all the prayers we can get in her behalf.

We went to church and left early to get your call :) Talked to you...had a nap (trueville)...Megan made chicken and broccoli casserole for dinner and jubilee jumble cookies and got me new padded bike shorts. Spencer and Sam with the help of Dad gave me two new church books. Had fun on Facebook...dreamed a few summer dreams including picnics and green grapes and laying out in the sun on one of those double chaises by a private pool...spending the day at 7 Peaks with the kiddies...having the neighborhood kids over for a Wacky Wednesday...maybe Salem Pond for the day with a book and a basket of yummy tubing every night...I LIKE TO DAY DREAM. It's been a sweet day.

The weather decided to get sunny...still cool...but perfect for working in the yard!!! The garden is now tilled and I will plant this week while Dad is in Guatemala. All the rain and cool weather brought grass and weeds to my beds like I have never seen. It makes me wonder what it would be like to garden in only memories of gardening are of the hours (or so it seemed) weeding--for stupid things like eggplant and zuchinni that I hated. Now I love zuchinni...still don't dig on the eggplant.

Sam starts tournament play this week so our night game schedule is unknown. Spencer was suppose to head down to St. George for a tournament on Saturday, but was asked to MORP by Joanna (Hunsakers German exchange student)so he'll be here for the dance instead. I have 3 clients this week...yeehaw...I am also starting my eating habits anew. I hit a certain number on the scale that makes me crazy...getting older should NOT entail MORE work to stay thin. We also got the P90X cd's...I need to add some weight and resistance training since all I do is cardio..I "watched" the first one and think I'm going to die...literally he does push ups, pull-ups (I don't think I can even do ONE) and weights for 45 minutes STRAIGHT...tomorrow morning will be an interesting scene...but as he says...JUST HANG IN THERE and keep pushing PLAY. That much I can do.

Ohhhh yeahhhh...Dad gave me an afternoon at the SPA with an hour massage, a european facial (an hour) and a pedicure...pure heaven. I LOVE to be pampered. My toes are dang cute...wish it would last forever. That's not true. I WANT to go back and have my feet massaged.

BUT OUT OF EVERYTHING...HANDS DOWN... the best thing to happen to me was TALKING TO YOU....and Michael. I'm so glad that you got to talk to him too. I'm so glad you are WHO you are and handling things in your way...that you are so loving and non judgemental...and patient...and smart and GOOD and MINE!!!! I heard this woman say the other day when someone told her that her kids were beautiful "Yeah, I made them...took me 9 months" I LOVED THAT SHE TOOK ok, here goes...YEAH, I made YOU...took me 8 1/2 months...Dang good job if I say so myself!!!!!! Excited for your week ahead and the new companion coming. I'll be praying. Seems between you and Carol and Michael and GrandDad and the whole dang family I spend most of my day praying and focusing LOVE energy...a lovely way to spend days....

Till next Monday...LOVE YOUR GUTS OUT and know that you are AMAZING!!!!
And Michael...DITTO...and feel free to make deals with God...I always have and I swear he LOVES me for it....

1 comment:

Jeremi said...

Oh my friend has the P90X cd's and loves 'em. I hope you will too! They'd kick my butt for sure!