Saturday, March 26, 2011

Don will NOT forget his 54th Birthday

Friday March 25th, 2011...Don turns 54. He starts the day with a professional massage, has his favorite meal--BREAKFAST at Village Inn...and then ends his day in HIS FAVORITE PLACE--the Mount Timpanogos Temple, with Megan and Spencer receiving their Endowment. Josh came home to be there and Michael too...the only one missing was Sam. (He has to be 19 to enter) This is a BIG deal. Any time we make promises to God it is a BIG DEAL. I cannot help but have a majority of my thoughts consumed with Me and My God and how differently I feel now compared to when I first received my Endowment. I am overwhelmed thinking on how at 48 there is STILL so much I don't understand. I am also amazed at how much does NOT overwhelm youth. What I DO understand is that God is LOVE. He LOVES ME...and he LOVES those who are mine....and YOURS....and YOU!!!!!
Megan has mad self portrait picture taking skills....
Getting ready to get out the door to go...
Josh's idea of the REAL story of trying to get a picture before leaving....

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