Saturday, November 10, 2007

Poor Sam... he had to have pins put in his hands yesterday (Friday)...he says he REALLY likes that first medicene that makes you feel so happy...YEP...that's why people get addicted! His Doctor was amazing...they don't even cut open the hand, as I understand it, it is more like a very fine high tech drill and they place the hand using machines that show them the bones while they work and then ZIP those babies right into place and then cut them off and tuck the ends under the skin. They will remove the pins in 6 weeks. YUCK! Sam is mostly depressed about snowboarding...all that work to get the pass and now he can't go until after christmas :( With this crazy beautiful weather, no one will be skiing!!!

Okay North Carolina cousins...I am showing you my FAVORITE purchase in a LONG time...this summer I bought OINK...he is currently living in the front flower bed (Uncle Don really hates him) BUT I LOVE HIM...I love to watch people as they drive by and then back up to get a better look....OINK makes me smile and sometimes laugh everyday when I pull into the drive. I had to put something happy in here after Sam's surgery.

1 comment:

Gene and Sheri Family said...

We like OINK! :) Much better than flamingos or those lil elfs/men with hats! lol! Just tell Don it could have been bright pink flamingos and that will make him feel better!
Tell Sam we hope he feels better soon!!!!
Sheri and the kids