Sunday, November 28, 2010

Monday...our first day

That night we had a dinner for all the missionaries being released and leaving that week. It was in the Broadbent's flat. Each missionary told some aspect about how the mission had helped them grow spiritually. It was a great and interesting meeting. I was impressed with the dinner Sister Broadbent made considering the ingredients she had to work with. I love America. This is the morning I realized there would be no hairdryer even with the adapter. He took us to the best grocery store and I was pleased to see that it had a lot of things like unto what we have. The more Americanized items were super expensive. This grocery store is not common, but it was in Nairobi since it was such a big city. Near the store there were STORKS in the trees all around the round about! They are so HUGE and UGLY!!!! How did they ever decide that it was the STORK who delivered babies????

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