Sunday, November 2, 2008

Snipet from Germany-Day One -Frankfurt

I'm going to try to catch up on Germany in little bits here and there.
-I was surprised at how frustrated I was not being able to read the language...and they have SO MANY LONG words--poor children in spelling bees. Michael assures me they just like to put several words together to make a word so it's not as bad as it looks.
-The Hostel we stayed in the first two nights was impressive considering the price. It was RIGHT on the Main River...and i will try not to make you crazy telling you about EVERY run...but my runs were AMAZING. In Frankfurt I ran along the river. The trees were in full fall glory and the HUMONGOUS leaves would waft down on me. It was dark and I was amazed that I wasn't afraid--the path was so well lit and you could see the other side of the city all lit up and the other running and walking path on the other side of the River. I couldn't believe that the whole world wasn't joining me. I passed very few bikers . They aren't like Americans---they do not say Hello --they pretend you aren't there. The weather couldn't have been more perfect--cool, but not cold. The walking and biking path was incredibly beautiful and these huge barges would come up beside me and they were so quiet I wouldn't know they were there until they got ahead of me. I saw swans sleeping while floating in the water. I never knew they layed their necks back on themselves like they did. In the picture at the bottom you can see the path and it was taken just outside the Hostel.
-EVERY morning we awoke to find breakfast in one of these bakeries...oh I LIKED that!
-EVERYWHERE is this amazing architecture...I felt like I was in a Disney movie. We look hashed in these pictures because we'd just gotten off the plane, left our stuff at the hostel and were trying to stay awake to get on their time. I am old. It took me 4 days to start feeling okay.


Gene and Sheri Family said...

GOSH the architecture is beautiful!! GLAD you were able to do this deserve it!

Jeremi said...

So beautiful!!!

Carol in Sweden said...

When I walk the streets in European towns, I always realize how YOUNG the USA is as a COUNTRY in this world! (yes, there are ancient ruins of native Americans in SW but....)

Love the leaf photo...isn't it amazing! And glad you had a non-interaction from the people in Germany! weird, huh? It's one of the things I miss about the USA...we're a mighty friendly bunch! Although things might feel differently for me if I could speak Swedish a bit more fluently!

THANKS FOR THE HALLOWEENY shots the udder on Spencer! How many girls tried to milk him all night long?! risky!
Meghan must of had some shindig!

Miss Megan said...

Oh Natalie! I am so jealous! It looks like you guys had a great time (despite the jet lag). Frankfurt is beautiful, and I hope someday my dad will be able to take us kids there (he served his mission in Germany). This year I am teaching myself to sing Stille Nacht (Silent Night) and O Tanenbaum (O Christmas Tree) in German, so I don't feel like a loser when everyone else is singing them in German too!

More pictures please!