Wednesday, November 19, 2008

pretty Dinner

Dinner was so PRETTY the other night I decided to take a picture of it.Spencer was distressed at the lack of MEAT and WHITE starch...but everyone else loved it. YUMmmm...baked sweet potatoes, spinach salad, steamed broccoli, zuchinni onion stir fry with parmesan cheese, oatbran muffins with apple chunks, raisins and walnuts.....

It's Wednesday...Got my crown (hate the dentist), so glad that's over. Had Presidency meeting at the church and got all the manuals ready for the kids classes next year. Met with the HS counselor to pick VIKING of the month for December---we have some amazing kids in our area...makes me glad I'm on the PTA. Met a client in Taylorsville and tried to be the angel negotiator in a tough unresolved house issue. Delivered late wedding presents. Laundry. Ran. ATE alot...probably going to eat some more. Visited Annette for a few minutes to let her know I still really am her friend. Thinking LOTS about Josh. One of his best friends was suppose to get his mission call today (JAKE), still waiting for the news. Sam and Spencer off buying Basketball shoes for their new leagues. Michael and Don out trying to find the deal of the century on a car for Michael. Megan buried in her coupon frenzy---new adds start today:)....funny girl....check out her blog for her latest grocery steals. Should go swim, but just don't wanna. Wanna...massage? Hot tub? Amazing video? Caramel corn? Yep....I wanna all of that.....


susette said...

Cute new background template. I love the paper a lot. I finished reading "The Space Between Us" yesterday. Sheesh! I bawled my eyes out at the end. What a sad, sad life that Bhima has experienced. I wanted her to finally have some ray of hope and some happy moments come her way. Makes me realize how truly blessed we are here in America, but always wonder why there are so many who have to suffer so much like that. Thanks for the suggested read.

Natalie Harris said...

Susette---what I LOVEd about the end was that even though her life didn't have as much hope as WE have reason to have, she totally GOT IT that everyday is about each decision small or big and that those decisions are what combine to bring our happiness. I LOVED the end. Anyway...glad you liked it as well.

Gene and Sheri Family said...

I just finished the book too and had the same reaction as susette! I commend you on being able to still have hope for Bhima...AND for loving the ending....I REALLY wanted her to have a break from her life.... :) But I do love that she was able to "be still" and recognize the hope in her life.