Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Thinking about my boy...

I was trying to find a picture of the Missionary Training Center where Josh is now, but couldn't find one...but I thought these were interesting. Johannesburg is HUGE...and the temple looks just like the Boise, Idaho Temple that Don helped to build. You can't even see Kenya or Tansania on this map...he should be flying out sometime the end of this week.....


Carol in Sweden said...

Have you read the #1 Ladies Detective Agency by Alexander McCall Smith?
It's a wonderful series that really gives you a feel for the land and people of Africa...Botswana but all over really. They are lovely, funny books.

What an exciting time in Josh's life!

I have a 2nd cousin in Johansburg...an interesting older lady with rather "different" ideas. Maybe Josh will see her walking the streets...she is an Evangelical street preacher!

Kath said...

I appreciate your research. Tells everyone where he has been anyway and what the country looks like.

Anonymous said...

wow, when I think of Africa I always picture the desert.

Carol in Sweden said...

Oh Natalie! I"m SO glad you got on! And you did such a PERFECT post....so Welcoming and Warm! It's best that your facial photo comes first because you were our School President ....and many many more people know you! THANK YOU THANK YOU! I'm not going to post there for some days so that maybe YOUR BEAUTIFUL FACE will encourage others to write in! Now I'm excited again...last night I was very frustrated that you couldn't get on.

REmember how you got on becuase we'll probably add some more people and they might hvae the same problems you did. I've sent an "invitation" to Sara but haven't heard from her. I don't think she checks her emails as often as I do though.

Let me know if you hear from someone who wants to "author".

I love you!

PS- my email is freaking out and I can't use it to send mails right now...sorry, I used this instead. I MUST get the email fixed. Please delete this message after you read it because it's not for this blog space! ;-)