Saturday, November 22, 2008

Letter from Josh 11-22-08

I can read the blog while i am here, i dont know about next week since i will be in kenya then and a new mission pres, so keep sending the emails to me, but i would guess that i would be able to read the blog there too. tell greg he should learn to read and that it probably just looks wrong cause its wierd african stuff, which is even more of a foreign language then southern. Tell the Otterstroms i love them and that i miss them. I do miss you most mom. i fly out wednesday morning early, so thanksgiving will be my first real day out in the field with whoever my new comp will be. my plans are to work hard and to try not to be overwhelmed by everything that i still dont know. there are five of us going to kenya from our group here at the mtc, elder thornton and i are the only americans out of us five. i dont know how to feel about the extra weight in my luggage, i mostly just feel bad about it, i dont know what i am going to do yet. Send packages and letters to the mission office in kenya for now, they will get them to me no matter where i am serving first, and they will send any letters that come here late on to kenya as well so dont worry about me not getting the letters, it is really just a matter of time.
i am about to leave to go out tracting with the missionarrys in soweto, a suburb of jo-burg. i'm kinda excited but it takes up our whole p-day time besides the time for emailing, and they only give us a few hours for p-day here instead of from after study time to six like normal so that doesn't make me too happy. we taught more families from the church last night, we didn't get any of the investigators last night though. it was both good and bad. things are just easier with investigators cause you dont feel like you are just rambling on about stuff that they already know. but on the other hand if they are investigators and you cant answer their questions then i guess that would be worse. Tell jake england is going to be awesome, and get me his adress so that i can write him. also tell him that if he wants to, that he can go tell bro otterstrom about his call cause i'm pretty sure thats where bro otterstrom served, if not manchester then somewhere in england. This week has been crazy busy, and its not going to slow down until we leave the mtc, and even then it will probably only slow down for the plain ride. i love you guys, i have to go tracting now, i miss you, tell spencer and sam and mike to write me too, and thanks for all of your emails. talk to you next saturday! (if thats still my p-day, i dont know when it will be once i get there).


Gene and Sheri Family said...

He sounds so good! Can't believe he will be in Kenya next week!

Jamie and Julie said...

Thanks for the update from Josh. Looks like he's learning about missionary life through experiences.