Monday, July 27, 2009

Letter from Josh 27 July 2009

Hey family!

so i got an e-mail from Shrader-Babe today and she is teaching primary 5 and they are learning about missionarys, so she sent me a list of their questions. i thought you might want in on the fun too, so i pt the questions and responses below:

Mitchell wants to know if you got to fly in an airplane to go on your mission. How far away from home are you?:
I did have to fly on an airplane to get to my mission, i was on a plane for 22 hours to get here, so i am very far away from home, half way around the world infact.

Do you eat different kinds of food? Hilary wants to know if you eat mashed potatoes?:
I have only had mashed potatoes once since i have come on missio and i made them myself, the people here dont eat them, which makes me sad cause mashed potatoes are my favorite. they eat all sorts of different foods here. they eat Matoke, which is boiled green bananas; Chapattis, which are kind of like home made tortillas, but better; Chips Mayai, which is where you take french fries and then put eggs on top and fry them together (actually a lot better than it sounds); and Ugali, which is corn that has been grinded up into flour and then you add it to water and boil it until it becomes stiff. Ugali is the most common food here. They eat it with almost every meal.

Adam wants to know if you had to learn a different language:
i didnt have to learn a different language, but many of the people here speak swahili, so i am learning a little bit of that.

Hana wants to know if you will be excited to come home or sad to leave your mission.:
i will be very happy to see my family again, and to have american food again (not that i dont like the food here, cause i love it, i just miss some of the stuff from home that isnt here). but i will also be very sad to leave Africa and to not be able to be a full time missionary again.

Mary wants to know if you can send a picture to us:
i can, it will just take a long time since i am so far away, but i will send some when sister shrader gives me her adress.

We all want to know what your favorite part about your mission is.
My favorite part is seeing people change their lives to become more like Jesus and start to follow him and keep his comandments. This is my favorite part because when this happens the people become happy. true happiness comes from following Christ, and i am so gratefull that i get to be a missionary and that i get to help people learn about Jesus and help them to be happy.

This week was pretty sweet though. We were able to go back to Mama Saidi's (he one we found mourning) a few times and she just keeps telling us thatshe is convinced that we are her "guadian angels" an that the only part of it that she cant figure out is that she can touch us, "and your not suppose to be able to touch angels." She is amazing though. She was raised Christian and then married a muslim boy so she switched to being a muslim for him. but as we were teaching her this week she turned to her husband and said "i dont care what you say about this, my guardian angels are telling me that i need to follow the example of Christ and be baptised, so thats exactly what i am going to do." and then he responded in swahili, but the basic point of it was "if i hadnt been marries\d to you for so long and thought i could still control anything you did i would object, but i know better than that by now." We hadnt even extended a baptismal commitment, we were just sharing the story of Christs baptism from Matthew. The only problem is that she is following the 40 days of mourning tradition and "cant" come to church until it is over. I have no doubt in my mind that she will come and that she will be baptized once the 40 days are up. i'll ask her more about why they do that this week.
The week just went really smoothly. the only real disapointment we had was on friday night when one of the members invited us to his cousins wedding. when we got there they told us we had to have an invitation to get in. the member (moses) even came out and argued with the guy and said he was the best man and we were his friends and the best mans friends should be allowed to come in and ......... but in the end we still couldnt come in, i guess it wasmore of a plated dinning service and not a buffet type thing cause they said if we waited for the dance part we could come then. so we didnt eat dinner till almost ten thirty that night since we still had to go home and cook and it was alread late.
I love you guys, be good and keep me updated. Mike, you said you were going to write me, and there is nothing here from you, whats up with that? have a great week!


P.S. if you could make a cd with all the pics that i have sent home and send that to me i would be realy happy. also if you could send some deoderant in the next package, causeto get deoderant in stick form here costs about 10 U.S.A. dollars, which is way out my budget. i still have some left from the massive amount i brought when i was coming out, but it will be gone soon, i like old spice.

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