Sunday, July 31, 2011

Sunday 31 July 2011

Hey Lovey....
I have had the most INCREDIBLE week!!! It was way too long to wait before coming home to Florida. Everyday as I MELT in the heat and humidity YOU are on my mind...and I am praying you get into homes with air conditioning and that you are drinking LOTS! And of course I hope there are moms out there bringing you in and feeding you yummy food. I saw the missionaries again today at church and so badly wanted to be able to take them to lunch. YES on Sunday! Wish there weren't so many rules.
I was able to download all of my pics but I can't get them to attach tonight so you'll have to wait until next week---I left my camera home and had to buy a new one, so Megs will help me. :)
There were so many highlites I don't know where to begin! The TOP Favorite was to be SO LOVED by so many friends. Reconnecting was like we had never been apart. 48 years of living has given us alot to talk and share about. I was overwhelmed with gratitude that they have been in my life. I love that at 48 most of the insecurities have washed away and we are just REAL with each other. Most of us had NO IDEA what was really going on in the lives of the others while we were in school---and interesting that NO ONE had an easy ride. The TALKING and sharing was my favorite part. I hope one day ALL of you could meet them or sit and learn from them. With that said I am going to include a list of some of the widom shared so I don't forget--most won't make sense to you but it does to me because I was there:
1. Don't trouble trouble when trouble ain't troubling you.
2. NEVER "Peak"!
3 Don't get your meat where you get your bread:)
4. "Navel Gazing"
5. It's about SOLUTIONS not Problems.
6. If you aren't making sizable mistakes that are painful and lesson filled to correct you aren't trying/living hard enough...
7. Everything happens for a reason.

The first 2 days I was here in Gainesville, at church, in Melrose...then the next 3 at the Beach (HEAVEN) and then these last few days back here for the reunion activities.
I LOVE THE DAILY thunder lightening rain storms! I love the smell of the humidity. I love the moss hanging on the HUGE live oak trees. I love NOT being on a diet. I love hush puppies and fred shrimp and running on the beach and how WARM the ocean is here. I love sleeping in air conditioning.
Bud...I can't keep my eyes open to finish this. I keep nodding off. I'll zip you a letter this week and have pics by next Monday. love you. Like, my heart ACHES love you because its been so long since we've talked or hugged or had you around. BUT DON'T are so NOT forgotten.
the Momma xxoooxxoooxxooooxxxoxoxoxoxxooooooooooo

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