Monday, January 6, 2014

From Sam 6 Jan 2014

Another pretty dope  week!
Monday we went to that really good buffet in the city center, and then the waiter came up to us to tell us that someone in the restaurant had paid for our meal! so that was really cool.
On Thursday we met with Kathy and Zed, the 2 chinese people we found in City center. They brought their other chinese friend Louis to hear the lesson, and we committed kathy and Zed to the 2nd of February! they are so solid it is unreal. While we were teaching Louis' eyes were absolutely full with the light of Christ and he was so amazed at what we were teaching. 
On Friday we taught Gifty again. Gifty is the amazing lady from Ghana who is investigating again because of her new born baby girl that died, and she was intrigued to know what's happened to her.  and her daughter Rosalyn has been sitting in during the lessons. in the middle of the lesson Rosalyn just randomly said, "I prayed last night" and we asked her more, she went on to say, "I prayed for Heavenly father to watch after my baby sister, and I felt really good, I know god is taking good care of her." The spirit was really strong, and Gifty was shocked to hear that 9 year old rosalyn had been affected from the lessons we had been giving her. We committed both of them to being baptized on the 25th of January
Later on Friday, we taught Michael, another Chinese student who named himself after Michael Jordan. We commited him to baptism on the 2nd of February as well!
Sunday was amazing! Kathy, Zed, Louis, Liam, Michael, Gifty, and Rosalyn all came to church! and they all really loved it! they are progressing, loving the book of mormon, and looking really good for baptism. After Church we went and taught 2 more chinese girls at the public library. We taught them how to pray last week, so to follow up with them we asked them how their prayers have been going, and they have both had witnesses that god is there for them! and they were so exited to learn more. We also gave them restoration pamplets in English, and they brought them out, and they had translated the pamplet into Chinese with all of the words they didn't understand! So we went there planning to teach the restoration, and they already knew it very well! the first thing Nora and Sherri said was, "Are there really prophets? Joseph Smith is a really important person!" It was brilliant. We committed them to the 2nd of February as well. This week we got 7 more people on a date! So now we have 8 investigators who have committed to be baptized. I hope more than anything that they all continue to progress, and I have faith tha they will. 
This gospel rocks! Elder Unice and I have dedicated the last week and a half especially to really just finding and teaching as hard as we can and trying our very best, and the fruits of our labors have shown themselves! we are so blessed, but also realize that without the lord, and the power of the holy ghost, none of this would have happened. So family, we need your help!! please continue to pray for Luke, Gifty, Rosalyn, Michael, Liam, Kathy, Luis, Nora and Sherri, that they will continue to read and pray. I'm confident that anyone who sincerely reads and prays every day will be baptized.  I love you guys! have an amazing week.
MOM!! CONGRATS ON DIAMOND!! I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THAT MEANS! BUT IT SOUNDS SO GOOD SO THAT'S WHY I'M WRITING IN ALL CAPS!! WOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOO!!!! I pray for your success every day, and I'm sure you do as well, good to see that Heavenly father answers prayers! have an outstanding week my amazing eternal family! I love you all so much!
Elder Sam Harris.

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