Monday, December 13, 2010

Back home

Funny how the SOUND of something takes you back to someplace you haven't been for a LONG while. I was in the hot tub, it was early morning dark, and I heard the train eyes were closed, except now I was transported home in Melrose. I am a teenager. I was in my hot upstairs bed room laying on my bed waiting for a breeze of relief, listening to the sounds of a summer night...I hear a motorcycle revving down the main street and me holding on to him until I couldn't hear him anymore, wondering where he was going, or maybe it was a SHE... and when would I be old enough to have the freedom to get the heck out of there? The crickets and frogs with their steady hum. And the train whistle again...thinking that there are real men working on that train right now...who are they, why did they choose the railroad, who loves them, where are THEY going, where will I go? One more train whistle and I am sitting at the train crossing at Waldo road on my way home from work, its late at night and I am nervous to be waiting alone in the car as the train cars pass, I am locked in...and wondering how I could love and hate a place so much at the same time. My heart aches that life means leaving people and places and other choices behind. I open my eyes. The sun is rising.I'm 47. I smile...I got a card from Delta airline saying that I have traveled alot this year so I am a special member ...I'm going to use that card, and I'm going to go home.

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