Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Kudos for GOODNESS

This is just ONE of the insights from this book that rocked my heart....(what I read TO and FROM BOISE)...
Each of us is a seed that was planted within our world's current vibration. When we raise our own frequencies through the growth produced by life challenges, we raise the world's frequency from within. Like a single drop of dye added to a glass of water, each person alters the entire hue As we create feelings of joy, even if we do so while living alone on a mountaintop, we emit a frequency that makes it easier for others to be joyful. As we create feelings of peace, we resonate an energy that helps to end wars. As we love we make it easier for others, both those whom we meet and those who will never know of us, to love. WHO we are is therefore far more meaningful than anything we may ever do. pg.26
I just want to be JOY and HAPPY and especially LOVE....and I want it all to rain down on North and South Korea, and Iraq , Iran and Israel....and all over MY home xxxoooxxx.
PS...saw Larry King interviewing the Bush's...I love those people....when they talk about their kids and family you KNOW they got SO MUCH MORE RIGHT than people can ever try to tag them for in the wrong category. Barbara is my Pseudo Grandmom and she doesn't even know. I wanna be a point of light. Actually, I'm NOT a wanna be....I am :) Are you?

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