Monday, October 10, 2011


 At the Alzhiemer's walk in Boise on Saturday....I loved these flowers they gave carried purple if you had been diagnoised, yellow if you have someone in your family and the other color was for if you had already lost someone to Alzhiemer's...pretty sobering.
 Leonard's 90th bday the twins of course!
Look how stinking cute Addison is!!!!!!
We watched GrandDad Harris Saturday at noon till 9:30 that night. He doesn't like to be gone from home. We tried to take him for a drive and he kept saying "It's been so so long since I've seen MY home, can you take me there?" After the 3rd and 4th time we just took him home and stayed with him there. He loves Murphy his cat. He will be super relieved to have Ellen back home, and I am sure she needed that break greatly!!!! She's been on vacation with her sister for a week.

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