Monday, June 3, 2013

From Sam 3 June 2013

This picture was of us, at the end of may!! haha it was freezing and raining so hard! pretty different from what it should feel like at the end of may, but it's alright! I'm getting used to the rain!
Tuesday this week we had an all you an eat buffet dinner appointment with a member, immediately following that appointment he dropped us off at a members home where we had another meal, so needless to say I was pretty full. we then after both meals had to ride our bikes about 3 miles to our chapel where we had ward coordination. in the middle of the meeting I just ate so much that I just couldn't keep it in anymore and RAN outside the chapel where I lost pretty much everything I had eaten the entire day. sorry if that was too much information :) haha
On Wednesday we got a call from a lady who lives in the edge of our area, who had a book of mormon, started reading it, LOVES IT, and she requested the missionary lessons! For her first lesson she wanted to have a tour of the church and the baptismal font, so that will be happening tomorrow! such a miracle. the Lord does basically everything during missionary work.  Later on Wednesday, Elder Pauly was really prompted to knock on a door, so we did. They opened the door, weren't to interested, but we left them a restoration pamphlet, and were just planning on following up in a little bit. that night, a member called us and said that he is best friends with the guy who we tracted, and the potential was asking the member all these questions, so hopefully he will become a new investigator as well!
Susan is on fire. she is amazing! she said the other day, "All I ever want to do, is read the Book of Mormon, and then just ponder about what I've read." She also realizes that her days go by much more smoothly as she reads in the morning. She is such a blessing! a perfect example, of how missionaries are really just instruments in the lords hands! We also have an investigator named allison, i'm not sure if I let you know about her. she has a problem with everything in the word of wisdom except for illegal drugs, but she totally felt the spirit like crazy when we gave her a tour of the chapel, so that's good! those are our only two progressing investigators at the moment, but on thursday we taught 5 lessons! which might not sound like a lot, but it's improvement!
On thursday I finally got to shoot a basketball! no one ever plays in England! so that was fun.
Not much else to write about this week. holy cow the weeks fly by, that's all I can say! I love you so much family! I also love our savior Jesus Christ, and the scriptures! I would recommend to everyone in the family to read the book of mormon EVERYDAY! even if it's for 1 chapter, I know that we will be blessed!!
Love you family! take care and don't have too much fun soakin' up the sun and swimming in the pool!
Elder Harris

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