Saturday, September 14, 2013


 LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE RUBY for getting us these pics of you!!! Make sure to hug her for me...I am so going to bring her  NICE SURPRISE when we visit!!!!
 While training Theresa in Texas this week...she took me to her Progressive Baptist Church for Bible Study on Revelations 1:9-20...this woman below, BETH MOORE Taught the class via video. I guess her platform is NO GIMMICKS just JESUS. For a Preacher, she sure is a looker. Her energy level made me breath deep some times because she is so intense. But over all just sitting in this HUGE CHURCH's gym with 43 Plus other believing women made my heart pause to think how many people really are believers.  This is their church's FISHER's month...MISSIONARY MONTH...where have I heard that before? Just made me think of YOU and what you might be doing or have done that day......what a comfort to see ALL the HUGE churches EVERYWHERE in Texas and know that mostly, there are ALOT of great people wanting GOODNESS and HAPPINESS is our world....and DOING the work to prove it.
This is a crepe mrytle tree...they were ALL over Texas...and they were all over Florida when I grew up. Made me think of sweet younger days.

 Ranger's stadium was about 2 miles from the home I stayed in!!!! Pretty sure as my DoTerra leg keeps growing we will have a reason to drop in for a game! It was SO HOT and SO HUMID! I would come back from my morning runs totally WET. Yuck....but the trail near their house was pretty and I got to see a beaver and this scissor tail bird that flew pretty funkily.
I was home for Saturday and left this morning again and I just got to Florida. Its HOT and HUMID and raining on and off. I just want a Do Terra  builder here...gonna get one this trip...please pray. I'm excited I have 3 Medicine cabinet Makeovers...educating helps bring builders.

Michael broke the news at lunch yesterday that he is REALLY moving to Seattle. Yep. I cried. I haven't been able to quit thinking about it. He'll move Oct 1st which is SO SOON. I am sad.ALL OF US ARE SAD to have him that far away.  But I am also HAPPY that he is creating HIS DREAMS. We all know he's always wanted to live there. So I am sitting in a strange place between sad for me/us and HAPPY AND PROUD for him. Mother love is complex. The world is waiting for him there.Think of all the people who are going to be SO THRILLED to have him in their lives! I'm going to find a Do Terra builder in Seattle now---going to have to have a reason to write off all those flights :) The Universe was so WISE to let me fall in love with Seattle on vacation---To take me there to SEE it before my boy takes up permanent residence.

This TENDER DATING PHONE APP has Megan and Laura and Kylie dating all the time! Its a GREAT thing! But again, I don't love that they are never home:(  Josh is still kicking it at school. Spencer's Golf Store flooded with 6 inches of water everywhere with the flash floods and now it STINKS, but Spencer still loves it. School is good and the WOMEN are good. Yesterday was the last day for the pool being open. Sad day. It's cool enough that its not comfortable to be out of the water. GOOD NEWS: ONE MORE SUMMER AND YOU WILL BE HOME!!!!

I read a FANTASTIC BOOK on the flight here by Patty Harpenau  entitled THE LIFE CODES.This will be added to the MOM WANTS YOU TO READ THIS list. Its by a  dutch woman who went to Jerusalem to study the Kabbalah at an orthodox yeshiva where normally it is forbidden for women to study. She shares the life codes she was taught...7 codes, 7 teachers, 7 levels mirroring 7 days of soul creation. It is FASCINATING. The teachers are GOD, Jesus, Adam, Eve,Miriam,Moses and Abraham. I LOVE peaking into the love philosophies of others.I LOVE spiritual teachers who teach about the art of being human. You are one of those teachers Sam. You have come to the earth to change things that need to be changed. I love being human. I love being here. I LOVE THAT YOU CAME HERE WITH ME!

I LOVE hearing from you. I am so happy to hear YOU so HAPPY!!! I love reading Elder Pogue's blog to hear MORE ABOUT YOU!!! So did you hurt your foot  in the train door when you got left at the train station? Do you need or want anything? Do you get to see Facebook?

I LOVE YOU!!! HAPPY WEEK. Pour that LOVE OUT all over the place. We miss you!!!! Saw Johnny Dupre's mom at CPK and Johnny heads out Monday and all he wanted her to get him was a pic of you and him PRINTED up. You are an awesome, LOVING,  inspiring man. Your efforts are noted in heaven and on earth. I so hope you are enveloped in LOVE by the people who surround you surely are in my heart.

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