Monday, June 23, 2008

Sweet Sweet Day

First of all, I walked into Walmart to get some groceries and Round Up when I see this shirt that says "INSTANTLY SLIMS YOU"..boy, someone got that marketing ploy RIGHT. I put it happily in my cart and bought the thing.

Later this afternoon I went out to help Kristine with the song all the Grandkids are going to sing at the funeral (If the Savior Stood Beside Me) felt so good to play the piano and have their sweet sweet voices practice singing for their GrandMom. I'm not in Primary anymore so it had been awhile since I had played and I was reminded what a pleasure it is for me.

I took the boys out with me and Don and Megan joined us later to try out GrandDad Olsen's new MAN SWING.....anyone who can swing hard enough to flip over gets his name on a plaque on the side of the pole. You will see by the pictures how NUTS this can't help but start cheering them when they get close...even your body will move and thrust forward trying to help them. All the boys tried a time or two and got close...but , just as we were about to leave, Joseph said..."I'm GOING to DO IT this time"...we all believed him, and it's a good thing we did....HE DID IT!!! HE went around 22, yes 22 times once he made it over...people pulled over on the side of the street to might be a WORLD RECORD for the book of GUINESS :) Sarah his sister video'd it, when she downloads it I will post it so you can see just how FREAKING AMAZING GrandDAD Olsen's "MAN SWING" is....he wants to patent it and start selling them.

I screamed so hard cheering I can barely, WHO IS THIS WOMAN? Is it the SAME woman who about died at the motorcyle boys at the rodeo? How could this be the same woman? I don't even understand it myself...but if you want to give the swing a me....better yet...make it over the top and you'll get your name on the plaque!!!!


Jamie and Julie said...

I bet you really get the willies when you go upside down on this swing. Looks it's a lot of fun.

When I saw these photos I thought of this Fly Like An Eagle

Gene and Sheri Family said...

Austin drooled over the pics of the "man swing" for about 10 mins! lol! Where in the world do you get something like that?? :) Glad the Olsens are feeling some joy amidst the saddness.

KellyandJax said...

I would be terrified! I am soooo scared of heights. Glad the kids had a great time.

Natalie, when are YOU gonna go on it!!! :)