Thursday, September 24, 2009

Why Eve partook...

Ran through the apple orchards this morning along the canal and was completely immersed in the sweet fresh clean fragrance of the apples...most have been harvested. The smell followed me on for about a 1/4 mile...I'm not even an apple lover but I wanted to fill my whole world with that smell. I wanted another book and to just camp out there for the day. No wonder Eve partook. Which led to me to think about all the yummy things I DON'T resist. I am definitely a sensual human being...The breeze was light and brisk, I was listening to Wayne Dyer on my IPOD speak of the TAO, my body even though chunky feels light strong and free when I run, and then I was engulfed in the smell...and it led me to think how ironic/paradoxical life is that certain moments in our life can be so perfect even in the middle of a life that is SO NOT perfect... and I felt wrapped in the arms of my mother Eve.

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