Sunday, March 21, 2010

Josh by Gosh...

It was so great to get the email from Sister Thornton. I had already been thinking of you Saturday morning so it was extra sweet to open my e-mail and find it. Good job good son. I love you.
Spring is trying to come but having a hard time. One day the Sunshines, the next it snows. The wind is what has been a buger. But all the snow is melted. Sam's baseball games have been an experience to sit through with just the weather alone.
Work has been busy...busy doesn't always equate to good or getting paid, but this last little while it has and seems to have the promise of a good year. The more the sunshines, the more people look and act.
Aunt Sheri has invited me to come babysit for her while she and Gene go to Cancun...even though I swore I wasn't going to go anywhere again for months....those guys are about the ONLY reason I can think of to get me on a plane..and I'm actually excited! This time they will leave William with me as well. Life sure goes by fast. Oh, the things I'd do if we were super rich...I'd take us ALL to Cancun for a family vacation:) But then I saw a report on the Hatian orphans tonight and wondered how I could even think that way when there is so much suffering in our world.
But that hasn't stopped the POOL LOVE feelings from flooding my heart yet AGAIN this Spring. These feelings seem to hit even before the early grass allergies can take hold. This and EVERY SPRING..summer, fall....winter... (I read an interesting psychological report that was saying that WE are the ones who put ANY meaning on if something is bothering you, just CHANGE YOUR MIND about it or what you are thinking about it). Admittedly, I DON'T WANT to let go of the POOL could year...THIS YEAR????
Remember the photo of Mary I put on your Christmas message? Dad bought me the print as a birthday surprise and I had it is too fancy for our house, but I still love it...we needed some FEMININE DIVINE in here amongst all these male priesthood images. My favorite part is the baby Jesus' is hanging over the love seat next to the wood stove.
Michael drove his bus HERE yesterday and I wasn't here to get a picture! He promises to do it again so I can get a pic and let you see the MACHO MAN drive his HONKIN' BUS!!! Haven't seen much of Meg these last 2 weeks. Spencer is just trying to stay on the planet until school gets out...if there is even a hint of sun my phone gets a text hoping for an early check out...the darn guy doesn't even go a full day as it is!!! Sam has baseball up to his eyeballs and couldn't be happier...this last week was end of term so it was a bit stressful. Dad has his birthday this Thursday, but what he wants is to take Spencer to a big golf tournament in Wisconsin in August.
Survivor is just TOO GREAT this will have a sweet re-entrance into the "real life" when you get home.
Preston, Jeremy and families are all doing great...I'm still not loving that they are so far...
GrandDad Steadwell has a Dr's appointment with his Dr. on the 31st and we will see what happens??? I have NO expectations. GrandDad B is just doing his own thing in Mapelton. The Health care issues with Obama are raging. I am tired of it all. It seems to me that neither side has it figured out. It is a bit warmer in the mornings for my runs now. I am trying to decide IF and which Marathon I will run this year. Right now I just don't feel like it.
I spend some time visualizing NOVEMBER when everyone will be home. It is truly going to be a month of THANKSGIVING!!!! I love you. We always pray for you. We LOVE the video blurbs. I just barely sent your Easter package on Thursday. I sent you a contraband book :) I can't help but smile to think how RIDICULOUS it is that I would even have to couch it in those terms...but the SPIRIT told me to do it...and I believe that over rides ALL right? It is by Michael Wilcox entitled THE CONTINUOUS ATONEMENT...and TOTALLY APPROPRIATE reading for a missionary. I know I know...there are those out there asking who I think I am that I would have the audacity to "disobey" the glad YOU know me Josh. Someone near you needs it, and you will know who...I will get you another copy for you when you come home. Try to read it first before giving it up though, will you???
I love you more than the way Sam loves his Baseball Coach, Coach Nelson. I love you more than taking a Sunday nap, awaking and then realizing you can keep sleeping. I love you more than a new hardback book from B &N that has that smell and that "feel". I love you more and more and more and more....
Share that light LOVEY!!!!

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