Sunday, March 21, 2010

Thank you BARBARA!!!

My whole life I have been DRAWN to Near Death Experiences....they FILL me with hope and a tangible love that stays with me...they feel like a kind of spiritual air that is EASILY breathed, (unlike many of the religious concepts where my brain gets caught in the middle and I keep saying to myself, REALLY? REALLY? Not only do some of those religious concepts not make any sense to me...they don't FEEL GOOD either). But the NDE stories, they always feed my soul.
This week Barbara sent me a link to an online site and I have had to FIGHT with myself not to just live in front of it...feeding myself with delicious Spiritual AIR. There is one truly sweet outcome, which also is a testament to me of their truth...upon reading I am consumed with wanting to be kinder, gentler, more loving, sincerely serving person. It is so much easier for me to lay down the desires of MY heart and look out to others. I am going to leave the link here for you, but remember how I said it can be all consuming. I think that is because each of us wants so badly to reconnect with the LOVE we left behind...and there is a thread here that takes us to a distant memory.

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