Wednesday, March 31, 2010


On my way to Cancun as we were boarding the plane this darling couple had seats apart and wanted to sit together...she was the window seat next to me and Don. I smiled as I thought how sweet that they still wanted to sit together. But when I really looked at her my heart had that grabbing feeling and I was trying to figure out if I knew her. The longer I watched them as they waited trying to work it out the stronger the LOVE I felt for her. I was so surprised. (Usually I think my insecurities would have felt threatened on some level at someone so physically beautiful). I couldn't get a read on their age but they radiated a comfortableness about their relationship that suggested it had been more than a year. I offered to move so they could sit together. I think Don was a bit taken back thinking it implied I DIDN'T care if I sat by him. My reality was that I just felt this connection that was unexplainable and I wanted to help them be together. It didn't work out. She sat next to me. The Universe LOVES me. Her name is Kelle. Within minutes I knew I had not known her in this life, but sometime, somewhere, I have loved this woman before.

I had forgotten the thrill of finding a kindred spirit. I had forgotten the zing of not having to make a connection because it just already was there. I hadn't thought much before about all the people I have known in other existences--people my soul had been missing. I had missed her. The joy of finding her was not this stand up and dance kind of joy. But a deep knowing of trust and goodness at your fingertips, of completion in a way I can't describe- and relief. It has been awhile since I've "found" that kind of a friend. Life really can be a JOY and filled with love. I have GOT to get out more. Even as I write that I am laughing thinking how many friends I have that I already don't get to see or be with as often as I want.

Back to Kelle. Beautiful would be the first word, model beautiful, but its much better than that because usually model beautiful you just envy it and don't care so much about the person. Kelle you care and want to be like her. Soft as water.Everything about her is simple and sweet and genuine, gentle, kind and loving. She is 7 years younger than me. She is a twin. Being with her is just easy. The kind of easy you want more of to help balance your life. We had lunch together yesterday. She lives in another city and happened to be down here for work so we were able to meet. It's one of those friendships where you have no idea how much time you will actually spend together...but that won't matter. Just knowing they are on YOUR planet and accessible makes breathing easier.

We are at such different places in our lives. She is trying to get pregnant for the first time. I am ending my "children living in our home" career pretty shortly. Gratefully, it just doesn't matter.
She gave me maybe one of my most favorite cards ever....I wanted to scan it, maybe I can later, but the scanner is resisting. There is a gorgeous, enchanting woman with fairies sprinkling their dust on her on the cover of the card and this woman is standing in the middle of a Locust flower on a river(so many of my favorite symbols)... and the card reads:

More magical than fairy dust,
more sparkling than a star.
More gentle than a moonbeam...

That's exactly what you are!!!

I SO WISH that I had found that card and given it to HER!!!
But really, I am just awe struck at how sweet it is that ALL along our way here, we get friends and connections like these...and glimpses of remembrances of other times and lives. So Kelle, if you read this, know how excited I am to have you for the rest of my journey. An interesting side note, she has the SAME name as my sister (just a different spelling), and her same birthday.

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